Crypt Keeper by K.A. Young Molly Maddison #1
Publication Date: October 21, 2014
Book 1 in the Molly Maddison series
Molly Maddison grew up in a funeral home that unfortunately backed up to the largest Insane Asylum in the state. Very few understand what happens after death, Molly does. While other children were playing in the park with their living friends, Molly was in the cemetery playing with the dead. To say she is troubled is an understatement.
Now Molly has a new plan, to attempt to lead a normal life, and ban the contact with any of the dead. Realizing that she is madly in love with one of them was never part of that plan. However neither life or death ever go as planned and Molly is called upon to perform her role as the family Crypt Keeper…
Is she up for the task? Only time will tell.
~~I received this in exchange for an honest review~~
I didn't want this book to end at all. I was captured by the mystery that surrounds Molly Maddison. I kept trying to turn the page on my Kindle, but it just wouldn't turn. So I am left feeling sad because I NEED more Molly!! I need to know what is going to happen and I want her to live happily with the one that she loves. BUT, does she really know who that person is? I mean you have this guy names Damon Night, he strikes me funny, I haven't really warmed up to him yet. Sure he has come into the picture as her protector/professor, but she doesn't know anything about him. Then you have Levi, the one that vowed to never let her get hurt, that will always be there to make her feel better, the one that she loves. But, Levi holds a very serious secret. One that might end their relationship for good.
Oh I haven't wanted to continue a book so badly in my life. This book has consumed me, I need more. This is a great Young Adult book. It has situations in there that aren't quite OK of teen readers, but I feel are OK for 18 and over. This book deals with death and dying. It has Hell hounds and demons in there that are described as really scary. It is nothing that I want to meet in the light of day. Molly has a big heart, but she was kind of pushed aside by her dad. I understand why he did it, but it just leaves me questioning why he chose the path that he did, why he didn't train her properly for what she needs to do. I really want to read the second one like right now. I want to drop everything else I am doing and read that one, but I am going to have to wait.
You need to check this book out. You will not be disappointed at all. With Halloween around the corner, this is a great book to read!!
“Good girls go to heaven, bad
girls go everywhere.” ~ Helen Gurley Brown
The alarm blaring on the bedside
table woke me out of the dead of sleep. “Ugh,” I groaned, picking up a pillow
and chucking it at what I hoped was the general direction of the annoying
tones. When the alarm didn’t cease I surrendered, cracking open one eye to read
the time. I went from drowsy to full-out panic mode when my mind registered
eight thirty-five p.m.“Holy Mother of God!” Flinging the blankets off the bed I
vaulted forward, only to find that my left leg was tangled in the bed sheet and
I went down knee first onto a kitchen chair. “Idiot, stupid ass monkey piece of
shit!” I shouted the instant the pain registered. Wrenching my leg free and
shoving the chair aside I sat down on the floor and assessed my injuries. I’d
have a nice bruise on my knee and shin, otherwise, nothing serious. Then I
remembered I was working on curbing my need to use profanity every other word
and snapped the rubber band on my wrist twice, wincing at yet another sting of
pain. I’d been reading this self-help book recently that swore by this
technique. The wristband bad habit treatment is designed to take you out of
your own head and snap you back into reality. The wristband treatment will act
as a reminder to those with habitual undesirable occurrences that they need to
overcome their bad behaviors. I wasn’t convinced in the method; however, if I
ever planned on working with children my potty mouth needed to go.
Standing to my feet, I picked up
the chair and walked it back into the dining room where it belonged. I should
know better by now. The furniture being moved around the house, the dishes in
the bathtub and all my frozen foods set out on the counters to spoil was a
common occurrence in my tiny apartment these days. He was mad at me again. They
all were. I’d left him…er, them. No, I wasn’t going there. I didn’t move over
one hundred miles away to dwell on the past. “Never look back, Molly. The past
is a wilderness of horrors.” I quoted my favorite line from the movie The
Wolfman. I did, however, replace Lawrence’s name with my own. I would have gone
a lot farther if it wasn’t for my younger brother still living at home there. I
was always available for him, mostly. All right, I’d been a shitty sister but
my intentions were honorable. Thankfully he didn’t have the curse. It skipped
him and I was glad.
Suddenly I realized that the
alarm was still going off in my bedroom. I made my way back into the room, which
didn’t take longer than a few seconds since my apartment is a whopping seven
hundred square feet that consisted of a tiny kitchen, living room/dining room
combo, a bathroom that I could barely turn around in and bedroom. After
shutting it off I began to dress in jeans and a black t-shirt that had Party
like a rock star written across the chest. Being a no-frills kind of chick,
jeans always seemed like the obvious choice for any and every occasion. I
pulled my dark brown hair back into a ponytail and bent down to slip on my
“You aren’t seriously going to
wear your hair like that, are you?” a voice behind me asked. Shrieking, I
nearly jumped out of my skin again.
“Holy shit!” Turning around, I
faced the intruder and narrowed my eyes at the young woman dressed in leather
pants, biker boots that belonged to me and a red tank that read Bite Me! Her
hair was dyed jet black with dark green chunky highlights today. The color was
always changing but her razored-at-the-chin hairstyle was always the same. She
stood there smirking at me with her hands on her hips. “Aren’t you a little too
old to continue with these ridiculous pranks?” Not knowing her actual age, she
and I had estimated it around twenty-four or so, the same as me.
She rolled her eyes and plopped
down on my secondhand sofa that had seen far better days. “After all these
years you should be used to it by now. I mean, really Molly, you’re too easy.”
“Jewels, I bruised the shit out
of…” I snapped the band on my wrist. “I mean bruised the dickens out of my
shin!” The past twelve years we’ve been friends she’d never told me her real
name. I assumed it was Julie—hence “Jewels”—but wasn’t certain. I’d asked her a
million times over the years, and she’d always reply with the same answer: My
old name is as irrelevant as my past. That name died along with that part of my
life. I didn’t agree with her; her past was obviously relevant. For the sake of
our friendship I’d let it go.
She rolled her caramel-colored
eyes and blew a giant bubble in the gum she was chomping on. When it popped she
shook her head. “I don’t know anything about that.” She eyed the rubber band on
my wrist. “What the hell are you doing to your wrist there? They locked people
in solitary for less than that on my ward.”
Ignoring her reference to her
institutionalization period because the mere thought of it made my heart hurt,
I answered her question. “I’m trying to clean up my speech. No one will hire a
pediatric behavioral therapist that swears every other word. I’d gotta run—I’m
late for class. Don’t mess up my boots, they’re my favorites.” Snatching my
sling bag off the back of the dining chair I went out the front door, closing
it behind me.
The second I glanced back up,
Jewels was standing next to me. “I thought you already got your master’s
degree. Why are you still taking classes?”
Hurrying into the stairwell I
replied, “I still have to take my state licensing exam. Besides, I like taking
classes. There is something exceedingly comforting about losing yourself in
“I think this whole thing is
stupid. You have a job waiting for you at home—you don’t need to put yourself
through all of this.” Jewels mumbled behind me. She’d been pushing this “job at
home” idea for the last few months and it wasn’t like her. She’d always been so
supportive in the past. After descending five flights of stairs I was exhausted
and considered joining some of the girls that I knew ran every morning for a
whopping half a second, then reminded myself that I didn’t run.
“It isn’t stupid! You know this
is what I’ve always wanted to do.” I continued into the lobby. “Thank you.” I
nodded to the guy that held the door open for me to exit just as Jewels shot
him a bird.
“Stop that!”
smiling boy’s face was replaced with confusion. “I beg your pardon?”
“I’m sorry,” I pointed to a
non-existent head set on my left ear. “Phone call.” His face relaxed. “Oh, no
problem.” Smiling, he waved. “See ya around.” Jewels laughed, as she got a kick
out of making me look like a lunatic. Something I should be accustomed to by
now. It’s hard to function in a society when you can see and hear things that
others cannot. I sometimes feel that I am not made of the same matter as
others, and at other times I feel completely normal—whatever that means.
“Look, I have to go do this,” I
whispered as I passed groups of students chatting around the campus lawn. Most
of them would assume I was on the phone, so I didn’t need to be too concerned,;
not like when I used to talk to her as a child. That was an entirely different
story all together. “Catch up with me after, okay?” She didn’t say a word, just
vanished, meaning she was pissed. Sighing, I continued on to class.
As usual the class had already
begun. I slipped quietly into the small room and took a seat in the back. Going
unnoticed wasn’t an option at this point. The sandy blond-haired professor with
the most intelligent eyes I’d ever seen in my life was already knee deep in his
lecture. I’d never forget the first day I saw him. I’d been on the lawn reading
when he pulled up in his car. He had some sort of energy about him that caught
my eye—well, that and a great ass. He’d made a point to stop and introduce
himself to me. I’d nearly choked on my own saliva trying to formulate a
coherent reply to the complicated question he presented me with: Hi, how are
you today? I’m embarrassed every time I relive that day in my mind.
Damon Night made direct eye contact with me without missing a beat during his
presentation. He always made direct eye contact with me and I’d always had a
hard time maintaining said eye contact. We’d met only a few times after our
first awkward introduction, and after becoming completely-tongue tied around
him repeatedly I made the determination that he was a detriment to my almost nonexistent
ego. Therefore it had been my mission to avoid him at all costs during after
school hours. Despite my efforts he seemed to be everywhere I was—in the
library, at the cafés, and he shopped at the same markets. There was an
embarrassing cart crashing incident at the market that I tried desperately to
forget. Why he affected me in this way was beyond me. Yes, he was an attractive
man and I was a healthy, lonely young woman in desperate need of male
companionship, I thought while licking my lips as I took in his masculine
frame. Strangely his eyes seemed to follow from the long distance separating
us, confirming my need to find a boyfriend fast and stop having these
Glancing away I whipped out my
phone, opened my memo app and hit the record button. When I looked back up he
was still staring at me with those dark green eyes that seemed to smolder with
desire every time they devoured me. Damn my overactive imagination and my lusty
fantasies. They were negatively affecting my brain function.
“He’s one hot piece of ass,
huh?” Jewels whispered into my ear from the seat next to mine, then began
noisily opening a bag of Walker potato chips, my favorite brand.
To my credit I didn’t jump this
time. Looking down at my phone I whispered in the most annoyed tone I could
muster, “You know I hate it when you show up in one of my classes. You swore
you wouldn’t do it anymore.”
“No, as I recall I promised not
to show up at any of your classes during finals, so obviously this situation
does not apply.” She shoved a handful of chips into her mouth and nudged me
with her elbow “So you hit that yet or what?”
Gritting my teeth I glanced back
up, rubbing the tip of my nose with my hand to conceal my moving lips. “Dammit!
How am I supposed to concentrate with you gabbing in my ear the entire time?
And no, I haven’t hit that nor do I have any plans to do so. Now shut the hell
up!” I whispered in the softest angry tone possible. She made a locking her
lips motion, and after throwing away the key she pointed toward my arm. When I
ignored her she elbowed me hard, shoving me forward in the seat. Nervously I
glanced around to see if anyone had noticed. Thankfully it didn’t appear that
anyone had. Before I could let out a sigh of relief the bitch did it again, and
this time I nearly fell out of the chair. “Shit!” I shouted loudly. When I sat
back up she was gone and the entire room had turned to stare at me.
Snatching my bag off the floor I
did the only thing I could do in my current situation: I bolted, nearly hyperventilating
in the process. Jewels was standing casually outside the room, dusting the
crumbs off her shirt as if nothing was amiss. I would have ripped her a new one
if the hall didn’t have other people milling around. Stomping off, I’m sure I
had steam rising off my head because I was fuming.
be that way Molly—I was only trying to help.” When I didn’t reply she proceeded
to bribe me. “I brought you a case of Walker chips from my pop over to the UK
last week, the variety pack. They’re in your pantry.” She was upset. I could
hear it in her tone; nevertheless, I didn’t turn around. “Come on Molls, don’t
be like that. This is hard for me. You and I have always had each other until
this whole school thing. I’m trying to adjust, truly I am. Don’t be mad at
me—you know I can’t handle it,” she pleaded. Softening, I glanced back at her.
She looked so downtrodden that I just couldn’t stay mad. This was hard on her,
I knew that, and it was hard on me too. She’d been a constant in my life for as
long as I can remember. She’d been there for me always.
Crossing the parking lot, I
moved over to a vacant bench and sat. This time of night no one would be out
here and I would be able to speak to her freely without the prying eyes and
ears of others. Staying mad at her had never been easy. “Did you bring the
cookies as well?” I smirked, folding my arms. She grinned and a box of
McVitie’s Caramel Biscuits appeared in her hand.
“Of course.” Taking them out of
her palm, I ripped open the box and wrapper and took out a biscuit. She plopped
down next to me and I extended the box toward her. Smiling, she also took one
biscuit as well and we leaned against each other, munching on our snacks.
After swallowing I asked, “How
were you trying to help me?”
She reached over and snapped the
rubber band on my wrist. “You were cursing like a sailor in there.” I winced.
“Oh, right.” “By the way, you do realize that hot ass is really into you?” she
said around a mouthful of biscuit, wagging her eyebrows.
“No, he isn’t.” I took another
nibble of mine. I couldn’t consume the massive amount of junk food Jewels could
without it showing up on my ass the next morning. “Trust me, I know these
things and that guy is definitely into you.” Uh oh. I turned and stared at her.
“Don’t look at me like that, I haven’t been spying. You know I’m over that kind
of shit.” She grinned. “It’s no fun if they don’t know I’m watching.”
“You better be.” I gave her a
stern look. “Remember the last live guy you were in love with.” I did the
finger quotes when saying the words in love. It lasted for less than two weeks
but that had been enough time to do serious damage.
She blew out a breath. “Not this
“Yes, this again. You drove the
guy insane with all your writing on the mirrors in his bathroom and leaving
little gifts for him. We’re lucky he bounced back after a little therapy. It is
unnatural for someone dead to be in a relationship with someone living.”
She narrowed her eyes at me.
“You should talk.”
Slumping back next to her I
argued, “Why do you think I moved to Atlanta? I’m trying to get on with my life
among the living. Besides, it is slightly different with me.”
She snagged another cookie.
“True. And that rule doesn’t apply to us as friends.”
much as I wanted to disagree with her and as much as I wanted her to try to get
on with her life on that side, I couldn’t imagine not having her around. We’d
been close since the day she’d wandered up onto our property. The poor thing
didn’t even know she’d died. And I didn’t have the heart to tell her until
weeks later, and it wasn’t until she’d tried to speak to other living kids our
age that she noticed something was off. “No, not us as friends.”

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