Title: Jared’s Family
Series: Sequel to The Gift and Sam’s Temptation (can be read as a standalone)
Author: V.S. Morgan
Genre: m/m, Interracial, Contemporary, Western
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Cover Designer: Tibbs Design
Release Date: February 14, 2017

Another blond cowboy stood in the middle, working with a horse. He had a long rope around its neck, guiding it around the ring at a quick clip. The shirtless cowboy spoke in a firm yet quiet tone. Virge nearly choked on his tongue, eyeing the golden skin and muscles on display. This was their cowboy.
The man whistled, and the horse stopped. He rubbed its shoulder, his back to them, as they reached the ring’s split-rail fence.
“Daddy!” D shrieked, and the horse whinnied and shied, bumping into the man as it swung around.
“Whoa, easy, Spike,” the cowboy soothed.
Virge struggled to prevent his nephew from launching out of his arms while the cowboy calmed the large, skittish animal. He’d never been near a horse and was struck by its size and power, which the other man skillfully controlled. As the cowboy turned, Virge saw a tattoo on his chest. A redwing blackbird with a rainbow-hued ribbon dangling from its beak. His heart beat a little faster seeing the colorful ink. Could he be gay? The cowboy handed the rope to a dark-haired man before pulling on a T-shirt that stretched tight over those muscles. He suppressed a disappointed sigh.
Nate chuckled. “You’ve got some explaining to do, bro.”
“Hi, I’m Jared. I remember you from the library.” He approached with a rolling gait Virge found extremely sexy and offered his hand after wiping it against his denim-clad thigh. Damn, he was built all over and tall, just an inch or two shorter than his own height.
Virge shook his hand, hyperaware of the firm grasp of warm, work-hardened skin. “I’m Virge, and this is Donovan. He goes by D.”
“Glad you could make it out—”
“Why did he call Jared daddy?” Nate interrupted.
“He calls all men daddy and women mommy. If he especially likes someone, he adds their first names. D doesn’t talk much, so he must like Jared.” What about this cowboy had inspired his nephew to talk?

She's been writing stories since she could hold a pencil and dreams of happily-ever-afters - even for two hot men - because love knows no boundaries. V.S. writes IRMC contemporary, paranormal, and suspense m/m and m/f with heart.
V.S. is a GLBT ally and a lifetime contributor of The Trevor Project.
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